How Long Does The GoPro Battery Last In Time Lapse Mode?

How Long Does The GoPro Battery Last In Time Lapse Mode?

GoPro’s battery life may not be its best. You will need an additional battery if you plan to use your GoPro in a time-lapse mode for an extended period.

The GoPro camera does not automatically switch off between shots. Thus, during the idle interval, the GoPro is still active and slowly drains the battery. Though it is just slow, it continually drains the battery until it runs out.

How Long Does a GoPro Battery Last?

Your GoPro’s internal battery can last up to two hours using the most common video setting of 1080p at 60fps. Considering that no other features are in use, the battery is fully charged and brand new.

With the help of an additional battery, the GoPro can take an additional 2 to 3 hours of shooting in time-lapse mode.

What Factors Contribute To The Shortened GoPro Battery Life?

Here are the factors that contribute to the shortening of your GoPro battery life and what you can do to extend it:

Enabled Features

As with other electronic devices, enabling numerous features can cause the battery to drain more quickly. Make sure to disable or turn off any enabled features that aren’t necessary for the projects you’re working on with your GoPro. Among these features are WiFi, GPS, and voice control.


The temperature has a significant effect on the battery life of your GoPro. The battery life is depleted more quickly when the weather is cold or when the device is submerged in cold water. In cold weather, keep your batteries warm. Consider storing them in a jacket’s inside zippered pocket.


Brand new batteries are the most reliable way to extend the life of your GoPro. Older batteries tend to drain more quickly and charge inefficiently. Utilize brand-new batteries and avoid settling for used batteries.

Additional practices that you can employ to extend the battery’s life include the following:

  • Turn off the camera screen and other unnecessary lights.
  • Avoid the use of remote control or smartphone apps.
  • Disable Protune.
  • Make use of a wall charger
  • Install the most recent firmware.

What GoPro Accessories Can You Use For Longer Battery Life?

Now, suppose you’re serious about upping your GoPro game and frequently use this camera. In that case, you’ll want to invest in a couple of accessories to help extend the battery life.

There are numerous options, but I’ve included my top picks below.

Suppose you want to bring out the best of your GoPro experience without thinking about the possible problems brought by the battery life of your GoPro. In that case, you need to invest in some accessories to help you extend the battery life of your GoPro.

Here are some accessories that you should consider:

Extra Batteries

Bringing extra batteries can extend the life of your GoPro camera. It is best to bring the appropriate number of batteries for the duration of your camera’s use.

Three batteries should be more than enough to capture any adventure you embark on. It’s sufficient for a day of different recreational and adventure activities.

While GoPro sells genuine batteries for its cameras, some third-party vendors sell reliable and trusted GoPro cameras.

A Battery Charger

Having multiple batteries adds another layer of complexity to the charging process. A GoPro battery will take between 1:45 and 2 hours to charge fully.

It’s ideal to charge your batteries concurrently to avoid wasting time charging them one at a time. It is recommended that you purchase a genuine GoPro battery charger to ensure consistent performance. Purchasing from a third party is also acceptable, but exercise caution when selecting the best battery for your GoPro.

Power Bank

In the absence of an electrical outlet, it is prudent to bring a power bank with you. It’s convenient and highly portable for a long trip.

The great thing about power banks is that they enable you to ski or scuba dive with your GoPro. Unless you’re shooting a time-lapse or a static scene with your GoPro, you can’t use it while filming.

Battery Bacpac

The Battery Bacpac is only compatible with Hero 4. Hero 5 and Hero 6 are incompatible due to the absence of a 30-pin connector.

By pairing the Bacpac with your Hero 4, you’ll gain an additional 4 hours of filming time, which is roughly equivalent to one additional battery.

Grip charger

The Grip Charger or Grip Battery functions similarly to a standard power bank. It’s a practical choice due to its grip feature, enabling you to move the GoPro camera in any direction. You appear to be using a standard grip.

GoPro Essentials With CamDo

External Intervalometer

CamDo offers its intervalometer with a unique approach. It is a small external one that controls and manages your time-lapse. It’s compact enough to fit inside the GoPro housing when the backdoor is extended.

Its outstanding feature is that it conserves the capacity of the internal battery by powering down the camera between shots. So, instead of adding more power, it helps your GoPro conserve more power. Thus, if the GoPro internal battery is fully charged, you can expect to get thousands of shots anytime and anywhere.

Solar Power Option

For another long-period time-lapse shooting, a solar-powered option is another way to achieve it. CamDo offers this option in packages that include a hard enclosure, solar panels, a battery, and all necessary cables. It is indeed intended to be used in conjunction with CamDo’s new Blink time-lapse controller.

This option will allow you to shoot time-lapse without thinking if the GoPro is still working. You can be assured that it still works and continues to work. It is workable at any location as long as it gets more energy from the sun.

If you realize that the longevity of your time-lapse mode does not satisfy you because of the limitations of your GoPro’s battery, check with CamDo. We offer a diverse range of products, packages, and services that will undoubtedly assist you in getting the most out of your GoPro experience.

So, what are you waiting for? Check out CamDo’s time lapse camera packs today!