Unexpected fees to be aware of when hiring a lawyerUnexpected fees to be aware of when hiring a lawyer

Most of us anticipate legal fees to be a bit like a straightforward bill after a meal – you know what you’ve ordered, so you know what you’re expected to pay. However, hiring a lawyer can sometimes feel more like dining at a restaurant with hidden charges for the tablecloth and the seat you occupy. Let’s demystify this, shall we?

1. Initial Consultation Fees

Some legal practices offer a free initial consultation, but it’s not a universal standard. You might walk into a lawyer’s office expecting a free chat and walk out with a bill. Always ask beforehand whether there’s a charge for the initial meet-and-greet.

2. Retainer Fees

Think of a retainer fee as a down payment on your legal expenses. This fee ensures that the Glasgow solicitor reserves time for your case. It’s often set against your overall bill, but sometimes it’s a non-refundable flat fee just for the lawyer’s commitment. Clarify this before you agree to anything.

3. Billing for Communication

Here’s where it gets really interesting. Ever sent a quick email or made a brief phone call and thought nothing of it? In the legal world, those minutes can add up. Some lawyers bill for every interaction, no matter how brief. Discuss communication policies upfront to avoid surprises.

4. Photocopying, Printing, and Postage

In an age where digital dominates, it’s easy to forget the costs of paper. Yet, in legal practices, the charges for photocopying, printing, and postage can be substantial, especially in cases requiring voluminous records. Ask your lawyer how these are billed.

5. Court Fees and Other Disbursements

Disbursements are expenses incurred by your lawyer on your behalf. These can include court filing fees, costs for expert reports, and travel expenses. While your lawyer should keep you informed about these costs, it’s wise to discuss them in advance to understand what might appear on your bill.

6. Change of Strategy

If your case takes a new direction or becomes more complex than initially anticipated, the costs can escalate. This isn’t exactly an “unexpected” fee but rather an unforeseen increase in the scope of work. Regular updates and clear communication from your Glasgow solicitor can help manage these situations.

7. Late Payments

Just like any other service, late payments to your lawyer might incur interest or late fees. Avoid this by paying your bills on time or discussing payment plans if you’re facing financial difficulties.

Making Sense of It All

Feeling overwhelmed? Remember, knowledge is power. Here are a few tips to keep your legal expenses transparent and manageable:

Ask for a Detailed Written Agreement: Before any work starts, get a detailed agreement that outlines the billing structure, including how unexpected costs are handled.

Request Regular Updates: Ask for regular billing updates, so you’re never caught off guard by the size of your bill.

Discuss Everything Upfront: Don’t be shy about asking questions. It’s your money, after all. A good lawyer will appreciate your diligence and be happy to clarify things for you.


Why is security so important on construction sites?Why is security so important on construction sites?

Every single construction site is different with the location and nature of each site carrying its own unique security and safety requirements.

Every year in the UK, millions of pounds are lost as a result of criminal activity on construction sites, with theft in particular having a major impact on a project’s costs and time scale.

For this reason, putting in place effective security measures is essential to running a successful business in the construction industry.

Some of the main threats that construction site security is put in place to prevent include:


Theft is one of the biggest threats to UK construction, with the industry losing over £800 million worth of materials and tools in 2020 alone.

Unprotected sites are prime targets for criminals with thieves seeing the equipment left on site overnight as an easy route to a quick profit.

Fuel is another major attraction for thieves with vehicles and generators becoming a more and more valuable commodity, and being almost impossible to track once having left the site.


There may be some criminals who carefully plan their intrusion onto your site, specifically targeting goods to steal, but this is uncommon.

The vast majority of crimes, especially vandalism, are conducted by opportunistic intruders often under the influence of drink or drugs.

Given that the cost of dealing with property or vehicle damage could quickly escalate into thousands of pounds, having security to keep a close eye on the perimeter and ensuring that only authorised individuals are able to gain access is essential.

Workplace injuries

Workplace injuries are a dreadful thing to deal with, not only causing trauma and harm to your valued staff but also leaving you facing large compensation payments if you cannot prove you were not at fault.

Through the use of security measures such as CCTV, or by employing highly trained SIA accredited security officers, you will be able to reduce the risk of accidents occurring on your site, by identifying and resolving potential safety hazards before they become an issue.


Every year there are hundreds of fires on construction sites across the country, started both intentionally and accidentally.

Construction site fires put the lives of workers and visitors at serious risk, so it is essential that you put effective fire safety measures in the place.

Construction site security measures

Creating an effective security system on a construction site can be difficult, due to the high levels of everyday activity and the need to have a large quantity of expensive materials and equipment on location.

Construction sites serious about their security must adopt strict security measures to ensure that their site does not become yet another victim of crime, deterring criminals and allowing for a swift and effective response to any incidents that take place.

Here are some of the most effective measures you can take to maximise the security of your construction site:

Conduct a risk assessment

The first step in designing the perfect security system for your construction site is to understand exactly what the main risks are.

To do this, you should conduct a thorough risk assessment, analysing the threats that you need to address.

A risk assessment should include the following steps to ensure that it is done in the best possible manner:

  1. Identifying the security risks to your site
  2. Identifying who is most affected by these risks
  3. Identifying the security measures that would be most effective
  4. Reviewing the implementation of such methods to ensure they are working.

Installing CCTV

CCTV is one of the most effective ways to protect your construction site.

The sight of a visible V360 mobile CCTV camera system alone will deter most criminals from attempting to target your site, and even if they do, the footage can be used to quickly identify and deal with them.

CCTV footage can also be crucial evidence in court and in helping the police to find those who manage to get away.

Hiring Security Officers

Having SIA accredited security officers on your site will give peace of mind to your workers, using their expertise and experience to create a safe and secure atmosphere on site.

Security guards will protect the perimeter of your site, control access, deal with conflicts between staff, and identify any potential fire or safety hazards that need to be resolved during their regular patrols.

Installing Lighting

Lighting is one of the simplest security methods to install, as well as being one of the most effective at preventing crime.

Keeping a construction site well lit during the night will significantly reduce the chances of an intruder entering and exiting the premises undetected, helping your security staff to keep the site secure and minimising the risk of theft and vandalism.

It is best to choose lights that are bright and provide good colour differentiation to make it easy to identify objects and individuals from a distance.